Access large group health rates, with national plans, by partnering with a PEO.
PEOs create tremendous buying power by aggregating thousands of small businesses together. Many companies rely on this PEO advantage to access richer coverage and reduce health insurance premiums.

Established Businesses
Moving your benefits to a PEO can reduce premiums overnight. We provide an analysis comparing the status quo to PEO plans and rates.

New Businesses
Launch your business with competitive and fully integrated benefits to attract & retain the best employees.

Multi-State Employers
Simplify your benefits strategy by offering nationwide plans through a single carrier instead of piecing together multiple carriers based on regions.

Fortune 500 Benefits
Trying to attract & retain the best talent? Offer better benefits than your competition.
Based in NYC and need UCR plans? We have a portfolio of PEOs with UCR plans from multiple health carriers.
Fortune 500 Benefits

Health Insurance


Dental Insurance

Vision Insurance

Life Insurance

Long-Term Disability Insurance

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Learn more about how a PEO can help in other areas

Using a PEO Already?
Circumstances change. We can seek out a more suitable PEO partner for your organization.

Multi-State Workforce
PEOs have a nationwide footprint. They are ideal for a multi-state HR and benefits infrastructure.

Human Resources
PEOs provide a fractional HR + labor law compliance solution. Pair a PEO with your General Counsel, existing HR team or work with a PEO to establish an HR foundation.

Single Source Solution
A PEO is the definition of efficiency. Experience complete integration with technology, insurance and HR & safety guidance.

Human Capital Strategy
Employees are your biggest asset. Compete to attract and retain talent by offering better benefits and a more engaging culture.